
Emcee Kanny Theng

Bilingual Emcee Voice Talent KANNY THENG

Bilingual Emcee Voice Talent KANNY THENG Presenting / Hosting / Emceeing Acting Singing Voice-overs / Voice-acting Narratio...

Sunday, November 7, 2010

伶恩性格解说 Kanny as a Piscean


 Halloween madness party...






I have often enjoyed the fantasy - in my dreams, of course - that I could float through the air and maybe even fly, but the truth is that last time I looked in the mirror, I didn't see any wings.

the Piscean personality is the most unworldly one in the zodiac. It is the poet, the dreamer, or the psychic who enjoys being taken away from the mundane reality of everyday life. If Pisceans become trapped by circumstances in any one place, they will seek solace from their own inner world.
 being a piscean, I enjoyed the world of miracle, the randoms and the personality I have.

Imaginative and sensitive
Compassionate and kind
Selfless and unworldly
Intuitive and sympathetic

On the dark side....

Escapist and idealistic
Secretive and vague
Weak-willed and easily led



Kanny's as a piscean.


The Bright Side
Pisces is sympathetic and compassionate, and cannot bear to see another human being in pain. Indeed, Pisceans feel very deeply about other people as they do not have a strong sense of separation and individuality.
Pisces is an intuition sign which can receive great inspiration from  beyond. Pisceans are thus the natural mediums and mystics of the zodiac who can communicate their inner vision through either the arts or sciences. Pisces can also be a sign of selfless or self-sacrificing devotion, and is capable of truly unconditional love for others.
The Dark Side
The Pisces personality has a number of sub-personalities who are likely to take over at the drop of a hat. They include the victim, the martyr and the saviour or rescuer; and once Pisces gets locked  into these patterns, it can be very difficult to shift. This can be hard on other people involved, too, for Pisceans can inflict, or receive, considerable suffering when they enter into a guilt-ridden phase.
The other negative Piscean trait involves the illusion and confusion which surround their ability to tell the truth - known as lying by the more pragmatic signs. Pisceans tens d to be too imaginative for their own good.

双鱼座是黄道十二宫最后一宫,所以他可说是集中了十二星座所有的优点和缺点于一体,而且也可以由代表双鱼座的两条游向相反的鱼所象征中,知道这 是多重矛盾的一个星座;加上水煞星座的情绪化,可想而知双鱼座的人是多么复杂,如果说天蝎座是最记仇的星座,那么双鱼座可算是最记“愁”的星座。神经质、 健忘、多愁善感、想像丰富、自欺欺人等等都是双鱼座的形像词,不过双鱼座最大的优点是他有一颗善良的心,他最喜欢帮助人,愿意牺牲自己而为别人,不过不要 以为他很伟大,其实只是他藉着帮助别人而突出自己的肯定价值,可见他们多么没有信心。由于没有信心,经常为自己制造借口去逃避,许多时他明知故犯,皆因他 爱自欺欺人!亦不要以为双鱼座的人本性温柔,有时年纪大的双鱼座会承受不了结自我的压力,因而转化成为自己的脾气,向别人无理取闹,自以为是;虽然如此, 他内心仍然是脆弱不堪的!守护着双鱼座的海王星,代表了理想、想像、不专心、犹疑跟虚伪,亦恰似双鱼座的写照。

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